Wednesday, April 13, 2011

On Troubadorial Pedagogy: Understanding

Says the Figure to the Man

But the virtue of memory, and of the pastime of our people's thought, should be recalled while re-orienting with our new “now,” should it not? We can agree that the totality of our planet is round; it makes sense to believe this not only because we can each remember learning this same piece of knowledge during our time in the school, but because it makes sense to just accept it as true. It serves more of a purpose to us if we believe that it is round, rather than foolishly overwork the mind with such banal and unnecessary functions as the re-discovery of facts that have already been discovered. Still, the morning and night come and, still, the seasons continue to oscillate between hot and cold temperatures, despite our monthly measurements that have recently led us awry in their tracking. Until we obtain evidence that suggests otherwise, let us both agree that our objective place here is spherical and in motion of some kind. Have you never flown in a plane that was high up in the air, above the clouds? Can't you recall the slight curve of the clouds, how they were attracted to Earth's body in the shape of a slight roundness, as you shot through the sky? Was not that an awesome experience?

My appreciation for your wisdom comes out of knowing that my own is equally translucent. By looking in mirrors, we see nothing but a composition by space's orderly hand. In short, to recognize one's own is to recognize one's other. Sense has come to a halt in what was at one time our golden, flourishing democracy. Before we received the word that our world's government was to crumble, ours was a desirable civilization. And to think that there are more of us out there, willing to build a new structure, people riddled atop the land that we now look on below, gives my heart a fluttering sensation, as if swimming in newness. One day soon, this surface that we now stand on will be the center of vibrant human activity once again. Of course, it will have to be within the lower confines of this structure. No anchor of order can act as such if it rests inside the skeletons of exclusive architecture. But now it becomes clear to me that we should have been informed by our government where our emergency government was to be located: in the side of a mountain, under water, or perhaps entombed in the ground. For all we know, our leaders are still working diligently, composing the next steps of our crippled movement forward.

But to return to our original point, to this blurry concept of knowing that you speak of, and in regards to our inability to truly know without an established third, my efforts to see its actualization are, to those that believe in it, including you, determined. I commit to you then, you whom I regard as “friend,” if we may establish this, to our collaborative project, despite the inevitable disagreements to come. In what cited breaths I now breathe, I devote myself to this structure that we stand on, so that the structure that we all stand on might know direction and purpose. I hereby commit myself to building what we call society, in a light that is pure and programmed to shed the worst of men.

First, it would be to our benefit to begin a regimen that is regular, that caters to each of our own well-beings. In my own case, waking up early and doing physical work for one whole hour every morning is how my mind best readies itself for the day. I eat three separate times while it is light, and sleep when the light has left the sky long enough for me to feel in the presence of stillness. Then, I sleep until the first light returns. Since eating is something that each of us needs to do, it would be in the interest of our project that we both conduct our most intensive discourse around the regularity of our meals. That way, we are sure to be of the same mind. Let us designate as our most intensive meeting the time directly following our first meal. Assuming that we have each warmed up to the world after equal dormancies with the night, this will be a time in which we are each closest to our common friend, sleep. Sleep and eating, then, are our first designations of the third, that point with which our discourse can sink anchor.

I do not yet know anything about you, but to make progression in our friendship, I would like to tell you my name, which is Azureus.

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