We, the people, declare the corporate model of business broken. Corporations are now countries, when assessed by their monetary value. As the United States is the breeding ground for these mega organizations, it should be this same country that leads the fight against them.
We, the people, respect the inspiration and diplomatic order that our national Constitution provides. She has guided us through our most pressing times and, in the spirit of the goodness of a nation, must continue to adapt and evolve to the newest and most unique problems that both the United States and the World have to offer.
We, the people, demand that our Constitution own up to its mission of defending life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by adding an amendment, the 28th, that declares the following:
1.) No American university will be funded by corporate interests.
2.) No American university will buy products en masse from a corporate entity.
3.) American universities will be responsible for the production of their own goods.
4.) Corporate entities will have no monetary sway in the judicial settings of the United States.
5.) Corporate entities will pay taxes, determined by the people, for their use of environmental resources as well as for any harm done to the natural environment.
We, the people, still hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
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