Tuesday, January 26, 2010

On the Subject of Now

Although I have neglected this space for a bit, I still consider it my pot for stewing and serving workable ideas. Whenever one stops writing for a certain reason, it's good to remember the words of others, so that we might hear some productivity and, as a result, deploy our own in return. For the sake of "now," I think those words come from Emerson, who said, "How vain it is to sit down to write before you have stood up to live." This quote resonates with those who feel that their words hit a certain firmament of superfluity, as I feel mine have recently. I take this time and space to reflect upon that, and engage what I think is a powerful tool for people that explore the work of thinking: yoga.

Yoga, or "Union," is a life practice that ties one's conscious to unconscious, body to mind, breath to limb. It's empowering discipline and resulting injective strength bring with it a groundedness in which people who live a life of letters and numbers can take sanctuary. The Child's Pose, for example, is one intended to "reset" tension, and bring the yogi back to his original state outside of tension and trauma. The Warrior series demands focus and breath, as it challenges the warrior to hold those positions which cause great discomfort and fatigue. Breathing and being, deployed to break the mind's chains of superfluity, can be enough to reinvent, reorient, destructure, re-structure, or otherwise provide an overall refreshing of the mind. It is a practice in which diving into death is the greatest feat.

As my own practice and character continue to establish alignment, I encourage others to become involved with the benefits of yoga. It has been noted that disciplined and weathered yogis are capable of attempting and succeeding at superhuman displays...:

... apparently, grandmas are, too.

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